Mechanical failures of metals can be
broadly classified as those in which the part is: a) deformed to such an
extent that it was no longer serviceable; or b) fractured. Since the
fracture of a part is often more disastrous than excessive deformation,
emphasis is placed upon failures by fracture. However, rarely does a
structure or machine fail in normal service simply because loads are greater
than the strength of the parts. Occasionally this will happen if service
requirements are underestimated. Much more common, however, are failures
where factors other than static loading of the parts are involved, such as
fluctuating stress, corrosion, and rubbing between supposedly fixed members.
The nature of the stresses, and
other factors, have a marked influence on the nature of a fracture, so a
knowledge of the several types of fractures provides a powerful tool in
determining the causes of failures in service.
Static or Overload Fracture. When a
metal member fails because of a single application of a load greater than
the strength of the member, there is usually considerable plastic
deformation prior to fracture. This deformation is apparent on inspection of
the fractured parts. This ability of a member to withstand plastic
deformation is a function not only of the properties of the material but
also of the geometry of the member, the type of stress to which it is
subjected, the rate of loading, and, in many materials, the temperature.
Although there are very few
applications of metals in which it is necessary for the part to deform
appreciably in service some ductility is essential to permit yielding of the
metal at sharp notches. Such notches are almost universally present in
commercial metals due to inclusions, boltholes, welding defects, scratches,
corrosion pits and other reasons. The stress at the bottom of a severe notch
may be several times as large as the average stress on the section; a
ductile material will deform plastically in the small highly stressed region
and so redistribute the stress that its peak value will be reduced. If
conditions are such that the material behaves in a brittle manner, a crack
will be formed before plastic deformation can take place. Frequently, this
crack will propagate at high velocity through the rest of the section. This
type of fracture is characterized by very little deformation adjacent to the
fracture and often by markings known as “herringbone” or “chevron” patterns
on the fracture surface.
The strength of metals generally
decreases as the temperature increases. Consequently, parts that have
adequate strength at room temperature may fail if the operating temperature
becomes high and the fracture can occur after many hours under constant
load. If the temperature is high enough, the strength of the grain
boundaries in the metal will be reduced to such an extent that intergranular
cracking will occur, and the resulting fracture will show very little
Fatigue Fractures. When a
metal is subjected to repeated or fluctuating loads, it may eventually
fracture at stresses much lower than those, which would be required to cause
fracture under static conditions. This phenomenon is known as fatigue and is
the most common cause of primary failures of metals in service. Laboratory
tests have established the fact that a fatigue fracture is progressive in
nature; after a number (often many million) of cycles of stress, a small
crack forms in the region where the stress is highest. Under continued
stressing, this crack grows in a direction generally perpendicular to the
tensile stress until the cross section of the member is reduced to such an
extent that the remaining area fractures from overload. Because of this
mechanism, the surface of such a fracture shows two characteristic regions
that are usually quite different in appearance.
Because the stress required to
initiate a fatigue crack is usually less than that needed to cause plastic
deformation of the metal, a fatigue fracture is characterized by its brittle
nature. In most fatigue fractures that occur in service the fatigue crack
extends only part way across the section, and there is a considerable area
broken by overstress. This part will show some ductility, so fractures of
this type will not fit together well when the parts are replaced in
approximately their original relationship (the fatigue crack portion will be
held apart by the deformed overstress portion).
The surfaces of fatigue fractures
frequently show characteristic markings, which represent the outline of the
fatigue crack at various points in its growth. When these markings are
present, they provide a means of locating the origin of the fracture
It is generally agreed that the
primary factor responsible for the fatigue failure of a part is much more
often its geometry than the material of which it is made. A large percentage
of the failures investigated could have been avoided by more careful design
to eliminate points of stress concentration. The stress necessary to cause
fatigue failure is usually less than that required for plastic deformation
of the metal, so there is no opportunity for redistribution of the load in
the neighborhood of the notch.
Fretting caused by rubbing between
closely fitting members is a frequent source of fatigue fractures which does
not seem to be properly appreciated. When fretting is severe between steel
members it can often be detected by the presence of a fine brown powder.
This should always be regarded as a danger sign and corrective action should
be taken if the parts are subjected to fluctuating stress. A powder,
usually black, is formed by fretting between aluminum members.
As most fatigue fractures start on
the surface, the condition of the surface is of primary importance if
fatigue failures are to be avoided. Decarburization of the surface of a
steel member, for example, reduces the fatigue strength to that of a similar
member having low carbon content throughout. Defects of the surface such as
tool marks, scratches, corrosion pits, are far more damaging to the fatigue
strength of a part than to its static strength.
Fatigue fractures are often
erroneously blamed on “crystallization” of the metal. Since all structural
metals are crystalline from the time they solidify from the molten state,
the term “crystallization” in connection with fatigue is meaningless and
should be avoided.
Stress Corrosion Cracking. When a
metal is exposed to a corrosive media and is subjected to a load, fracture
may occur even though the stress is less than that required to cause
fracture in the absence of corrosion. The corrosion necessary to initiate
stress corrosion cracking need not be severe, and frequently will not cause
noticeable corrosion on the surface. In many instances this type of fracture
can occur in parts that are subjected to no external load whatsoever, due to
the internal stress developed in the part during fabrication.
This is also a progressive type of
fracture, beginning with a small crack and progressing across the section
perpendicular to the tensile stress. The resulting fracture is brittle, as
stress corrosion cracking can occur under stresses less than those required
to cause plastic deformation. It differs from a fatigue fracture in that
there are usually numerous cracks that tend to “wander” through the metal,
giving a coarse appearance to the fracture surface. A polished section
through the metal damaged by stress corrosion cracking usually shows a
network of fine cracks.
Corrosion is frequently a
contributing factor to mechanical failures. A small corrosion pit can
concentrate the stress in the surface of a part and be dangerous if the part
is subjected to fluctuating loads. Even corrosive agents that do not
appreciably corrode the metal can affect its fatigue strength. Some light
metals and copper alloys are found to give trouble under mildly corrosive
conditions and care should be taken to avoid the possibility of stress
corrosion in the use of these materials. Preventive measures in the
selection of materials will minimize these effects.
The precautions, which must be
observed by everyone concerned with the design, fabrication or use of metal
parts in order to avoid failure in service, are:
Elimination of sharp reentrant
angles at fillets, key ways and other changes of section. Accurate stress
analysis at points of stress concentration and verification of the analysis
by experiment or by fatigue testing of sample parts. Careful selection of
material and fabricating methods to produce parts of adequate transverse
strength if significant stresses are to be applied in that direction. Proper
combination of material and static design stress to eliminate the
possibility of stress corrosion cracking in the environments to be met.
Specification of materials that will provide adequate resistance to brittle
fracture, particularly under shock loading and low ambient temperatures.
2. Fabrication:
workmanship to avoid points of stress concentration caused by welding
defects, tool marks, improperly formed fillets, grinding cracks, quenching
cracks and others. Control of forging practice to avoid folds, seams, and
internal fissures. Protective atmospheres during heat treatment to avoid
decarburization. Proper control or elimination of residual stress caused by
pressfits or cold working in parts subject to corrosive environments. Rigid
inspection of highly stressed parts to eliminate surface imperfections.
3. Use:
Control of
operations to restrict the loads to those for which the machine or structure
is designed. Protection of parts from corrosion that can cause damage.
Periodic inspection of highly stressed members by personnel acquainted with
the nature of fatigue failures. Prompt repair or replacement of parts
damaged by unusual conditions, such as fire, collision, overloading or
unusual corrosion. Periodic disassembly of clamped members to inspect for
evidence of fretting.