Definitions. A steam turbine may be defined as a form of heat engine in which the energy of the steam is transformed into kinetic energy by means of expansion through nozzles, and the kinetic energy of the resulting jet is in turn converted into force doing work on rings of blading mounted on a rotating part. |
The usual turbine consists of four fundamental parts: the rotor which carries the blades or buckets; the stator consisting of cylinder and casing, which are often combined and within which the rotor turns; the nozzles or flow passages for the steam, which are generally fixed to the inside of the cylinder; and the frame or base for supporting both the stator and the rotor, the latter being carried in bearings. Cylinder, casing, and frame are often combined, particularly in small turbines. Accessories necessary for the successful continuous commercial operation are a controlling or governing system for adjusting the energy supply to the turbine to suit the load to be carried2 and for maintaining constant speed, a lubricating system, piping for steam supply and exhaust, and (for economical power generation in large quantities) a condensing system.
Classifications of Steam Turbines
Steam turbines may be classified in the following ways: A. With respect to form of steam passage between the blades: a) impulse 1) simple, or single-stage 2) velocity-stage, Curtis 3) pressure-stage, Rateau 4) combination pressure- and velocity-stage b) reaction, Parsons c) combination impulse and reaction
В. With respect to general arrangement of flow: a) single-flow b) double-flow c) compound, two- or three-cylinder, cross- or tandem-connected d) divided-flow
C. With respect to direction of steam flow relative to plane of rotation: a) axial-flow b) radial-flow c) tangential-flow
D. With respect to repetition of steam flow through blades: a) single-pass b) reentry or repeated flow
E. With respect to rotational speed: a) for 60-cycle generators b) for 50-cycle generators (European practice) c) for 25-cycle generators d) for geared units and for direct-connected or electric-drive marine units, no especial speed requirements.
F. With respect to relative, motion of rotor or rotors: a) single-motion b) double-motion
G. With respect to steam and exhaust conditions; a) high-pressure condensing b) high-pressure non-condensing c) back-pressure d) superposed or topping e) mixed-pressure f) regenerative g) extraction, single h) extraction, double i) reheating or resuperheating j) low-pressure
(Church E. F., Steam Turbines, N. Y. 1972) |